Top life changing Quotes for and how They Can Be Game Changers in your life.

Words have immense power to inspire, motivate, and bring about change, in fact I will go up to the extent that we are the creation of words. Let us understand how words can have transforming effect on us.


Shivanki Sharma

6/23/20245 min read

          Words have immense power to inspire, motivate, and bring about change, in fact I will go up to the extent that we are the creation of words. It may sound exaggerated but words lead to actions. We conceive the action in our mind and the words and sentences play in our mind. As every action has a name attached to it, t Here are ten timeless quotes from various cultures and thinkers the words and actions are deeply interlinked with meaning being their connecting thread. Let's delve into some of the best quotes and their meanings and how you can implement their wisdom.

         “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” - Maya Angelou:

Why It's a Game Changer:

This quote emphasizes the power of understanding yourself as a ever evolving person rather than thinking of yourself as closed door.

How to Implement:

Identify Your Level: You must know yourself and your capabilities and accordingly do your best.

Improve yourself: Once you know yourself in and out without any fake images attached to yourself, which is your ego, you are already improving and then comes the time to enhance yourself.

Repeat: Repeat the process and improve on daily basis and each time practice to give your best.

       “Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.” - Carrie Fisher

Why It's a Game Changer:

Every new action you do will instill a fear in you and will force you to stop before starting, but when you do, slowly the confidence follows and fear goes out of the window.

How to Implement?

Understand what you do: You might be having a little idea of the repercussions, but when the intent is right, you try to understand as much as possible and start the job. Most of the fear is due to the lack of knowledge.

            "Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life -- think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success." - Swami Vivekananda

Why It's a Game Changer:

This quote highlights the importance of living the idea, sole thinking will not be able to achieve anything, you need to think, dream and act. When you follow something religiously, the idea manifests and results follow.

How to Implement?

Live with the idea: We are a product of what we do, what we do on out daily basis gets imprinted on our minds and becomes our habit. All great works in the world are accomplished by the persons who chose one idea and lived with it. When every cell within you is coloured with that idea, eventually the door opens and you will walk the path, like no one else had walked.

            "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." – Confucius

Why It's a Game Changer:

We are here on this planet for a limited period of time, and mostly we wake up only when the time starts ticking in our heads, which sets in the tension and anxiety in our heads. So, the idea is to begin and not stop, speed doesn’t matter as every human has the different capabilities.

How to Implement?

Set Realistic Pace: Break down goals into manageable steps.

Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge small victories to stay motivated.

Stay Persistent: Keep going, even when progress seems slow.

        "Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." - Warren Buffett

Why It's a Game Changer:

Sometimes we are so engrossed with our ego the we think ourselves as the single entity. What the exhale you inhale, what the trees exhale you inhale. We eat the food that is grown by others, we are into this world due to the nurturing we have got from our parents. So, in shared world, do the good, without thinking about yourselves, because we are what we are due to the good deeds done by others.

How to Implement?

Start little but start: How little it may be, don’t think about the magnitude, it can be a small gesture, but can be a great beginning.

Progress in points: Don’t think of running a marathon in a week’s practice, it takes years of practice and dedication, progress even if it is in points.

Consistency: Consistency in right direction is the key to growth.

        "Success? I don't know what that word means. I'm happy. But success, that goes back to what in somebody's eyes success means. For me, success is inner peace. That's a good day for me." -Denzel Washington

Why It's a Game Changer?

Success has the multiple meanings, for some it is peace, for some it is money and it may be fame for someone, but the real success is inner peace. Because all these things don’t matter if you are not peaceful.

How to Implement:

Be in meditation: Being in meditation means understanding something in its entirety, and not the parts of it. Because meditation is not a limited time process that lasts for an hour or long, but it is the state that many great sages has lived with.

Be at peace in every situation: You will be at peace when you understand that everything around us has an end, there is nothing that is eternal. When you understand the worthlessness of worldly things, you may pursue them, achieve them, lose them, but these things will not be able to take your success from you, which was never any of these things.

        "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched -- they must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller

Why It's a Game Changer?

You must have realised that whatever is beautiful, you can only feel it with all your heart, be it a love or happiness you get with your family.

How to Implement:

Read: Reading the good literature helps in understanding the world in better way.

Travel: Travelling and visiting new places takes you in a state where you explore, learn and enjoy the new things. You develop an eye with a broader view to make you understand what the true beauty is.

Be grateful: Be grateful for the each blessing you have, right now you must not notice those as you already have those things. Devoid yourself of the simple blessings and you will understand the importance of those things. Start with fasting for a day or walk barefoot on a road to understand what it feels to not have the shoes.

The Everything takeaway:

These quotes offer profound wisdom that can transform your life. By understanding their deeper meanings and actively implementing their advice, you can create significant positive changes in your personal and professional life. Remember, it's not just about reading these quotes, but about living them. You are your own architects, and you have all what it takes to craft a masterpiece by yourself.